Biyernes, Oktubre 23, 2020

Teenage Pregnancy and Contraception

Teenage Pregnancy and Contraception

    One in ten young Filipino women age 15-19 has begun childbearing: 8 percent are already mothers and another 2 percent are pregnant with their first child according to the results of the 2013 National Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS). Teenage pregnancy affects about 6% of Filipino girls. That sounds like a small number but is the second-highest rate in Southeast Asia based on Save the Children’s Global Childhood Report from 2019. An estimated 538 babies are born to Filipino teenage mothers EVERY SINGLE DAY (Philippine Statistical Authority from 2017).                                   

   Adolescents who lack the support, security, and love of a family home are more likely to engage in high-risk behaviors including sex at an early age, multiple sexual partners, failure to use contraception, and unplanned pregnancy. Incarcerated juveniles constitute the most vulnerable group, especially when placed in an environment away from family support. These teenagers often have histories of physical neglect as well as severe physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. 

   This group is more likely to experiment with high-risk behaviors, such as substance abuse, gang involvement, and violence. They may be more susceptible to peer pressure and are more likely to succumb to negative behaviors in an attempt to gain acceptance or peer status. Consequently, many begin sexual experimentation at a very early age, and predictably experience unwanted teenage pregnancy (Carbone, 2001). 

   Over the years, a variety of local and national efforts have attempted to dissuade adolescents from engaging in early sexual activity. Strategies have ranged from public awareness campaigns to public chastisement, conviction as a sex offender, and institutionalization for unacceptable moral behavior. The various approaches have met with some success, contraceptives and family planning methods for example.  


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